In Retrospect



Writing Prompt: Yesterday you invented a new astrological sign. Today, write your own horoscope — for the past month (in other words, as if you’d written it October 1st).

Julian Horoscope: October 2014

This month is all about improving your life by eliminating unhealthy habits and developing greater efficiency in your daily routine. November begins with perceptive Mercury in your 6th House of Work, where it’s moving backward to bring your attention to unfinished business until the 10th. Minor matters at your job could become major issues if you don’t start fixing them quickly.

The fourth of seven transformational Uranus-Pluto squares occurs in your sensitive 12th and 8th houses on Oct. 12th, awakening volcanic emotions that could rock your world. Pay close attention to your feelings, but think carefully before you act on them

Attending to minor domestic problems and home maintenance isn’t nearly as much fun as running with the wind. However, turning critical thoughts into constructive actions transforms self-doubt and irritability into greater competence and efficiency. Friends may distract you from your duties with the Lunar Eclipse in your 11th House of Groups on October 20th. This impatient Aries Full Moon propels you into starting new projects when a logical look at the costs of participation should make you think twice.

The gift of gab is one of your greatest assets. It’s what enables you to start a conversation with almost anyone and to verbally dance around intense moments when the going gets rough. But you’re unlikely to take that verbally skillful detour around difficult emotions this month. That’s because your ruling planet Mercury spends the entire month in intense Scorpio and the first 10 days of it in retrograde

Keep in Mind this Month

Tackling small but essential tasks is tedious work, but it will help you weave a web of efficiency that ultimately allows you to get more done in less time.

That sounds legit enough right??


Until Next Time,

tyra signature

Copyright © 2014 – Random Acts of Snark – Paying it Forward – All Rights Reserved

NaNoWriMo 2014–Why The Hell Am I Doing This?


So for years I’ve been thinking about doing this and after several people telling me  to just bite the  bullet, So I have signed up and starting November first I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). So yesterday I signed up and all last night while I was sleeping I pretty much came up with a synopsis and a tiny outline all while I was sleep (I guess we can thank the pain medication for that) So this is what I came up with so far:

My book cover (which is not all that creative but it’ll do for now, plus I wasn’t sure if I should use my pseudonym or not)

The Pact Book Cover

Then I had to come up with a tiny synopsis:

“How many times have friends said, “If we are both still single by the time we turn 33 then we should make a pact to marry each other.” Even at a young age Roxanne never wanted to marry, as a joke Roxanne and her friend Caleb decided if either weren’t married or in serious relationship by the time they were 30 they have a baby together” Being the practical one Roxanne insisted that insemination was the only option, while Caleb wanted it to happen the “natural way”.

14 years have passed since the pact was made Roxanne is a successful lifestyle blogger while Caleb is a pediatrician in the small town they grew up in. What happens when they meet up again at the wedding of a mutual friend and Caleb reminds her of the pact? At 35 Roxanne feels like time if running out for her to have a baby.Is Roxanne brave enough to go through with it? Is it possible for her to have a baby with Caleb without falling in love with him?”

So in a few days I’ll start writing “The Pact” this can either be the biggest shit-fest to ever happen or it might be the most creative freeing thing /I have ever done. No make this work, I have to write at least 1,700 words per day. Can I do it,… yes, Will it be easy, Probably not… but I’m doing it any way.

Have any of you ever participated in NaNoWriMo? What where your experiences? If you are participating this year feel free to add me as a writing buddy…. Wish me luck

Until Next Time,

tyra signature

Copyright © 2014 – Random Acts of Snark – Paying it Forward – All Rights Reserved