5 things weight loss has taught me about myself

1. My body is strong!
 In all fairness, after having two transplants I knew how strong my body is, but this weight loss journey reminded be how amazing the human body is, just when you feel like you’ve pushed yourself to the limit… you body let’s you know (after the pain has subsided) that it can go further and do more

2. Love the you body (the way it is right now!)

(2) Haute Fox Dress size 1x
(1) Target Dress size 2

Looking at ahead can sometimes be harmful when it comes to losing weight, often times I get caught up in the “my goodness I so fat, I must have been ginormous before” syndrome. Even though I’m not at the weight I want to be, my confidence has grown so much, and I’m able to appreciate my curves (and show them proudly!) I can look at the mirror and say, “wow, Ty you look hot today” or “Man, you have awesome skin!” 50 pounds ago that was not happening, the goal was to pass the mirror and fit something… ANYTHING that fit

3.Clothes make a difference
I love bright colors, so I’ve purposely put away the black, brown, navy
s and grey’s and brightened my wardrobe. I’m finding that bright color complement my skin tone and I’m even doing more form-fitting  fabrics like spandex… its time for me to step out of the box… so now I’m going with the “I’ll try anything once” attitude. As you can tell I’m a bargain huntress… simple reason I don’t want to spend a lot of money of clothing I won’t be able to fit next summer…

4. Support is the key!
There is no way that I wouldn’t have been able to do this and keep accountable if it hadn’t been for the support my wonderful Blue Team! (And by extension SJT199). Even my sorority sisters have committed to being healthy. It’s amazing what happens when you surround yourself with like-minded individuals who want nothing but to see you succeed and reach your goals. I am blessed to have found such a wonderful group of people who frequently have to talk me off the ledge when I have a sudden and fierce cake craving

5. I love myself! And that makes this totally worth it
As mentioned in a previous post my journey to self  love has been a long and arduous one. But (I’ve said it so many times before) this has been more mental than anything else… when I started to clear the junk from my body, I HAD to clear the junk from my head…there is no other way to look at it..

Until next time!

(1) Target dress http://www.target.com/p/pure-energy-juniors-plus-size-short-sleeve-kimono-dress-assorted-colors/-/A-13816212

(2) Haute Fox Dress  http://www.thehautefox.com/collections/dresses/products/diagonal-stripe-bandage-dress

Summer Salad ….FAIL!

When I think of summer I always think of light eating, salads were always big at my house so I tend to gravitate towards them during the summer months, cause their easy to make, easy to share and light on the tummy. So for lunch I decided against my tried and true (spinach strawberry salad) and make an orchard salad, or maybe I should say my version of a summer salad… so I look in the fridge and what do I have…

  • spinach and radicchio blend
  • red and green apples
  • dried cranberries
  • cinnamon almonds
  • raspberry vinaigrette
  • Gouda cheese

SCORE!!! fun, yummy salad here I come! 

I was so excited to put it in my mouth and make it my own… I bit down and and instantly tasted the tart-ness of the apples and the crunch of the almonds, then I tasted it… the Gouda.. and it went down hill from there, then my fantasy was over and so was my orchard salad eating days. But no worries, I’m the girl who will try anything once, I will go back to what I know and research other summer salads… if any of my fair readers have any ideas… feel free to place them in the comments below.

Almost a year later

Since I’m not able to lift anything or exercise I figured I would revisit my blog  and apparently I haven’t blogged since February… geez… I’ve been a busy girl… okay maybe not so busy….but LOTS of life changes. So let’s take it slow….

SPRING (Feb, Mar, Apr)
This past spring, something snapped in me, I don’t know what it was but for the first time I wanted to de-clutter my life and my body…. got rid of people in my life who really just negative and non supportive. It’s always a difficult decisions, but one that I haven’t regretted yet. This made me more determined to lose weight and get “me” back…. It was also during this time that I learned about my arch enemy…. my arms…but I can’t complain… things are shrinking… and I’m happy about it!

flabby arms

SUMMER (May, Jun….)
My mother thinks I’m starving myself, she hasn’t come out and say it… but she thinks I don’t eat enough food…for the record my base caloric intake is 1310 (more when I exercise,but I am almost always under no more than 200-300 calories) Every time I go over, she tries to feed me…I have to remind her that I do eat cookies, I do have ice cream…I do eat food. But I just  make sure that it stays in my range… she continues to look at my like I’ve starving. Then I took this picture and she damn near lost her mind and determined I was too skinny (notice my arch enemy the hanging arm flab)… clearly she hasn’t looked at the scale.

I brought a dress… that’s not all that odd…but this dress doesn’t have layers or an empire waist  to hide the belly fat … it straight up and down and it shows everything and I brought it!!

Right before my birthday I went shopping for new bras… my boobs are completely unrecognizable they’ve gone from a 42DD to a 38C…I miss my boobs, and I fear if I continue to lose breast fat at this rate, I’ll be a A when this journey is done… Fair readers please pray for my breasts (I can almost guarantee no one has asked for a prayer like that)

But the best part is my BIRTHDAY!! I turned 35 (and to be honest I totally don’t think I look 35!)

So many positive and wonderful, and some sad things have happened since the last time I had an entry…but once thing that hasn’t changed I remain committed and WILL reach my goal!

almost half there!

Almost a year since I decided to lose weight, and I’m half way there, * feeling positive and excited about the next half of my journey!

* So whenever I tell people how much weight I want to lose they look at me like I’ve lost my mind. My goal has always been to get healthy… not to get skinny…

Until next time ….