How deciding a Life of Yes turned into a Challenge #2

Or as I  prefer to call it, ”How living a life of yes is turning into a great big mess”

Here is part one

It has been a while since I wrote a blog entry that was entirely devoted to my weight loss and my fitness regime, but if you read the previous post you know that was partly due to several health issues that I am currently contenting with, to the point where I feel like it’s almost derailed my weight-loss journey.

My main concern is still losing weight at a healthy an sensible pace that doesn’t effect my transplanted liver or something that will negatively affect my bone especially as they are weakening due to my multiple myeloma. Being on various medications always makes weight loss a little but  more difficult than the average healthy person. I started a C25K program but had to stop due to the severe fatigue and “surprise” kidney stones. The goal is to get back in the saddle, but I have to take a long, honest look at what I am currently capable of doing and create a workout plan around that. The ultimate goal start running and to start participating in runs/ 5k’s/10k’s.

The Dirty Girl 5k is this June. One of the blogs that I follow mentioned that she participates in Jost virtual race; and you know me I always want to try something new. They have 5k and 10k’s for $25 and Half and Whole Marathons are $35. Included in the price is a medal and a racing bib. I love the fact that I’ll be able to run white helping a different cause/charity every single month.

I have gained weight, which I knew was going to happen. As explained here , as I didn’t lose weight in the healthiest weight (even my doctor told me that I would gained weight as I started eating food again)  And I will admit I’m not happy with the fact that I gained weight, but I am still under 200 pounds so that makes me happy.

Who ever said that going to the gym was going to be easy is a liar! Even after a year I still dread going ; it still remains a struggle. In the past my gym regime was 2 hours (1 hour of cardio, 30 minutes of weights and another final 30 minutes of cardio) 5 days a week.  Although I have noticed a change in my body, my muscles are stronger but my problem at the moment seems to be food; sweets in particular. I make a conscious effort to make good food choices, but I have to be honest and say that cookies, brownies, pretty much any baked good under the sun. It remains a struggle; especially during my menstrual cycle (as it seems like my stomach is a bottomless pit willing to consume anything)

I continue to be amazed a t how far I have some in my journey and at the same time I’m amazed how how difficult  my journey remains. Two years ago I took a chance and said yes. Yes to join a rag-tag group of people who  wanted to lose weight. Yes, to talking care of myself and to devote a small time everyday to myself; this included exercise or spending quality times on myself  and making myself healthy. Despite this journey being difficult I have never once regretted that decision. I am so much happier and healthier that I was 2 years ago.

As my health continues to worsen and the multiple myeloma begins to progress the reason to stay fit takes on a different facet. I don’t know what type of treatment that I will be taking or how this cancer will affect my body, but for now more than ever I want to successfully battle this cancer and if going to the gym everyday and jogging and sweating like a pig will make me a little bit healthier  then damn it I’m going to do it.

I’m excited to do my virtual run next month. I haven’t decided if I’m going to do the 5k or the 10k. Have any of my dear followers ever participated in a virtual race? Did you enjoy your experience? What’s your story? Tell me in the comments?

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